MVARA Club Charter
To utilize Amateur Radio technology for the purpose that it was intended, be it community service, emergency service or just plain fun.
Standing Rules:
I. Membership
Section 1.
Eligibility: Members must hold a valid Amateur Radio license and be voted on by the membership by means of a secret ballot.
Section 2.
Membership: Members may be terminated for cause by a secret ballot. The member in question will be allowed to speak on their behalf before a vote.
II. Officers
Section 1:
Officers will be President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2:
Officer positions will be held for a period of one year. Re-elections will take place at the end of every year during the annual meeting. There will be no term limits set for the officer positions. Officers wishing to step down must notify the membership no later than 30 days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3:
A. Elections of officers will be held at the annual meeting. Nominations will be taken from the floor of present members and voted on during that meeting.
B. A special meeting may be called at any time to vote on officers if an unexpected vacancy should occur prior to the annual meeting.
III. Meetings
Section 1.
Meetings will be held monthly on the first Wednesday of every month. The time for the meetings will be set at each meeting for the next month.
IV. Quorum
Section 1.
A Quorum shall consist of two thirds (2/3) of the membership.
V. Suspension of rules
Section 1.
Any rule may be changed or suspended at a regular meeting by a majority vote.
VI. Dues
Section 1.
Dues are to be set at the December meeting.
Revised 01/08/2012