The MVARA 2025 Fundraiser Raffle is now in progress. Proceeds from this fundraiser make it possible to help cover some of our expenses, including the maintenance of our emergency communications bus. $5,500 in Cash Prizes will be given away. For complete details, see the 2025 Raffle Fundraiser Page!
Spring Fever Swap Meet
The MVARA Spring Fever Swap Meet took place on March 1st, 2025, at the Sparta American Legion. I want to thank everyone wholeheartedly that helped make this event a success. I'm especially proud of the team from Steve and Kelley Becker on down. Having been told under 2 weeks from the event that our venue wasn't available, the Chair and team did a great job saving what could've been a disaster. Also, the group of people who pitched in today to bring the bus, the tower trailer, setting up inside...
2025 MVARA Christmas Party
Merry Christmas!!! (Ok, inside joke,... you had to be there... lol) The MVARA 2025 Christmas party was held on Saturday afternoon, February 1, 2025, at Fox Hollow in La Crosse. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the party. Fun was had by all! Special thanks to Wayne KØWLO for handling the arrangements with Fox Hollow. Thanks Scott KA9FOX for being emcee, and planning the gift exchanges. And thank you to Dan W9FCC for taking photos (see below) 73, Craig N9ETD MVARA President...
Skywarn Recognition Day 2024
Skywarn Recognition Day was held at the National Weather Service in La Crosse on December 7, 2024. Thank you to everyone who came out today to help. It was a great day for weather in December. And, we had a great crew. Below, you will find photos from the event, courtesy of Dan W9FCC. 73, Craig N9ETD MVARA President
JOTA with the BSA
The MVARA, in conjunction with the Gateway Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) hosted a great fun filled day of Ham Radio on Saturday on October 19th, 2024, during this year's Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA). Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is the largest Scouting event in the world. It is held annually the third full weekend in October. JOTA uses amateur radio to link Scouts and hams around the world. Check out the pictures of the event from Dan, W9FCC [gallery type='smugmug'...
2024 Medary Fun Day
The MVARA participated in the 15th Annual Medary Family Fun Day, on August 10, 2024, from Noon to 4pm. The community event is put on by the Town of Medary. Families attending were treated to food and beverages served by the Boy Scouts, plus live music and children's games. We had the MVARA Communications Bus proudly on display, and local residents were welcomed to tour the bus and to learn more about Amateur Radio. Thank you to everyone who came out to help with this event. It was a great...
2024 Raffle Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone that participated in our 2024 Raffle Fundraiser. Proceeds from this fundraiser make it possible to help cover some of our expenses, including the maintenance of our emergency communications bus. The drawing was held on Wednesday, August 7th, at 6pm, at the American Legion in Onalaska, Wisconsin. See the 2024 Raffle Fundraiser Page for a list of winners and more information!
Field Day 2024
MVARA participated in the 2024 ARRL Field Day. We set up outside Prairie View Elementary, located at 1201 Newport Lane in Holmen, WI (just north of Holmen). MVARA entered Field Day in the 2A category using the callsign W9MVA, with two full-time HF stations, plus a 'free' VHF station on 6 meters, and a "Get On The Air" (GOTA station using the callsign of W9FCC. Our final results were 2,449 QSOs for a total of 8,447 points. This put MVARA in 9th place nationwide, in the very competitive 2A...